PYB359 Working with Families and Groups

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Unit code:PYB359
Credit points:12
TimetableDetails in HiQ, if available
Kelvin Grove
Semester 2
CSP student contribution  The Commonwealth supported place student contribution amount for this unit depends upon the course of study. Find out more
Pre-2021 CSP student contribution  

The pre-2021 commonwealth supported place (CSP) contribution amount only applies to students enrolled in a course prior to 2021. To learn more, visit our Understanding your fees page.

Domestic tuition unit fee  $3,024
International unit fee  $4,224
In the current health setting, counsellors and psychologists are regularly required to work with families, couples and groups. The complexity of working therapeutically with more than one person, requires specialist knowledge and skillsets. In PYB359, you will build on your existing understanding of different counselling paradigms to consider how these will be generalised to work with groups of people.   The history and philosophy that underpins Systemic Family Therapy and Indigenous practice will also be explored providing students with alternate perspectives on how to support change for individuals and groups. Experiential tutorials will support you to develop practical skills and techniques to build competence and confidence in hosting family members, negotiating multiple concerns and requests and evoking change for all involved in a culturally safe manner.