PCB593 Digital Image Processing

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Unit code:PCB593
Credit points:12
TimetableDetails in HiQ, if available
Gardens Point
Semester 1
CSP student contribution  $1,118
Domestic tuition unit fee  $4,104
International unit fee  $4,488
This unit provides students in the Astrophysics minor with an opportunity to learn how to use image processing techniques. An understanding of digital image processing enables information to be extracted from images that is not otherwise accessible. This unit delivers an understanding of digital images and the skills required to manipulate images in order to enhance features and extract quantitative information. Specific areas of study include the structure of digital images; image display techniques; grey scale palettes and look-up tables; colour perception, colour models, image formats, Fourier transforms; convolutions; image processing hardware; image analysis, enhancement and restoration; spatial filtering; Fourier space filtering; methods of image reconstruction; 3D volume and surface rendering; applications of image processing in medicine, astronomy and remote sensing.