LQB382 Developmental Anatomy and Tissue Adaptation

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Unit code:LQB382
Prerequisite(s):LQB185 or LQB187 or LSB131 or LSB255 or LSB183
Assumed Knowledge:First level/introductory systematic anatomy of muscular, skeletal, cardiovascular and nervous systems and microscopic anatomy of primary tissues is assumed knowledge
Credit points:12
TimetableDetails in HiQ, if available
Gardens Point
Semester 2
CSP student contribution  $1,118
Domestic tuition unit fee  $4,680
International unit fee  $5,760
The human body is very responsive to its environment, both in terms of genetic cues during embryological development and hormonal and mechanical signals during post-natal ageing. This unit will explore a number of key embryological processes where tissue patterning results in the formation of the nervous, muscular, skeletal and cardiovascular organ systems, and provides the foundational understanding of the mechanisms responsible for anatomical variation in the human body. Furthermore the ability of tissues to adapt to their environment will be discussed by building understanding of tissue biomechanics and the effects of trauma and ageing on the human body; where you will have the opportunity to design, implement and analyse experimental data in a bone strength research project. This developmental unit builds on foundational knowledge gained in first year anatomy and provides keystone knowledge and skills to advance into further units in Anatomical Sciences.