DFH701 Fashion Design Studio 7

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Unit code:DFH701
Prerequisite(s):DFH601 or KFB302
Credit points:24
TimetableDetails in HiQ, if available
Kelvin Grove
Semester 1
CSP student contribution  $2,237
Pre-2021 CSP student contribution  $1,914

The pre-2021 commonwealth supported place (CSP) contribution amount only applies to students enrolled in a course prior to 2021. To learn more, visit our Understanding your fees page.

Domestic tuition unit fee  $8,208
International unit fee  $8,640
This unit aims to provide an advanced knowledge of fashion design including the conceptual framing and situated context of your practice. It promotes critical analysis, design prototyping and organisational skills required to formulate an extended independently-led fashion project across DFH701 and DFH801. The seventh in a series of eight Fashion Design Studio units in the Bachelor of Design (Honours) program, it forms the start of the capstone experience for an extended independently led fashion project. This unit builds upon the understandings acquired in the six preceding Fashion Design Studio units and also provides advanced fashion research skills to begin to formulate pathways to execute the self-defined independently-led fashion project. DEH701 Research Methods supports the content of this unit. The independently led fashion project will culminate in the final capstone studio unit, DFH801 Fashion Design Studio 8 (semester 2 - 36cp).