PYB302 Applied Social and Organisational Psychology

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Unit code:PYB302
Prerequisite(s):PYB205 or PYB202
Credit points:12
TimetableDetails in HiQ, if available
Kelvin Grove
Semester 1
CSP student contribution  The Commonwealth supported place student contribution amount for this unit depends upon the course of study. Find out more
Domestic tuition unit fee  $3,024
International unit fee  $4,224
Psychology plays a critical role in enhancing people's lives, and in the functioning of groups, communities and organisations. In this unit students are exposed to a range of social and workplace issues which can be understood and addressed using concepts and theories aligned with social and organisational psychology.  PYB302 focuses strongly on the application of theoretical perspectives to formulate innovative, feasible solutions to real-world issues. Social/organisational concepts and challenges are explored from varying viewpoints (including cultural perspectives) and students gain awareness of how their knowledge of social and organisational psychology can contribute to facilitating and supporting change. Students develop important graduate attributes, including innovative thinking, teamwork skills, digital practices (using technology to collaborate and present information) and writing for broad audiences. The unit expands students' awareness of potential career options.