EGH449 Advanced Electronics

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Unit code:EGH449
Prerequisite(s):((EGB348 or ENB240) and CAB202) or Admission to (EN50, EN55 or EN60)
Assumed Knowledge:Sound knowledge of electrical circuit theory.
Credit points:12
TimetableDetails in HiQ, if available
Gardens Point
Semester 2
CSP student contribution  $1,118
Domestic tuition unit fee  $4,680
International unit fee  $5,784
This Advanced Electrical Option builds on the electronic and computing building blocks and concepts covered in Electronics (EGB348) and Microprocessors and Digital Systems (CAB202). This unit explores the extension and application of general electronic circuits to specific topic areas where special consideration and approaches are required. These topic areas include precision electronics, low noise electronics, the interface of analogue and digital electronics, digital systems, and Field Programmable Gate Arrays. The advanced unit EGH448 Power Electronics is complementary to this unit's content.