EGH422 Heat Transfer

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Unit code:EGH422
Prerequisite(s):(EGB322 or ENB222) or Admission to (EN50, EN55 or EN60)
Credit points:12
TimetableDetails in HiQ, if available
Gardens Point
Semester 2
CSP student contribution  $1,118
Domestic tuition unit fee  $4,680
International unit fee  $5,784
As a professional engineer you will be competent to practice as outlined in the Engineers Australia Stage 1 Competency Standard for Professional Engineers, including discipline specific knowledge and skills in heat transfer. This unit introduces the fundamental principles of heat transfer, together with key concepts of heat conduction, convection, radiation and mass diffusion while implementing conceptual and mathematical design exercises under each key concept. In this unit you will apply these principles and analysis methods to design and analysis of real world engineering problems involving design optimal heat/mass insulations and efficient heat/mass exchangers with sustainability considerations. This unit relies on a prior understanding of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics studied in your previous year or equivalent units.