EGB482 Contracting and Construction Regulations

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Unit code:EGB482
Prerequisite(s):EGB273 or admission to EN55
Credit points:12
TimetableDetails in HiQ, if available
Gardens Point
Semester 1
CSP student contribution  $1,118
Domestic tuition unit fee  $4,680
International unit fee  $5,784
A construction engineer must have an appreciation of the commercial environment in which they work. The law and particularly the law relating to construction has a significant impact upon that commercial environment. This unit will provide a framework and sufficient detail to increase your awareness of how the law governs you and your organisation's actions within the industry. In addition, you will understand the operation of a construction contract and the claims and disputes commonly associated with the administration of such a contract. The lectures provide a solid foundation required for Construction Engineers, and embedded in the tutorials are discussions of real-world cases of the past month to highlight the importance of understanding the impacts of day-to-day decisions in the world of construction.