EGB479 Advanced Transport Engineering

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Unit code:EGB479
Prerequisite(s):EGB272 or Admission to EN55
Equivalent(s):ENB379, EGB379
Credit points:12
TimetableDetails in HiQ, if available
CSP student contribution  $1,118
Domestic tuition unit fee  $4,680
International unit fee  $5,784
The transport engineer must be familiar with the role of each transport mode in the overall transport task, along with operational aspects of each mode. This must be overarched by an understanding of the system and tools for planning, operation and management of transport projects, particularly in context of economic, environmental and social attributes. The aim of this unit is to develop your awareness and understanding of important concepts and analytical tools for operations, planning, designing, and management of transport systems, especially transit systems. This unit builds upon your transport related knowledge and skills developed in EGB123 Civil Engineering Systems and EGB272 Traffic and Transport Engineering, and provides a useful foundation to EGH479 Advances in Civil Engineering Practice.