AMB164 Media Relations and Publicity

To view more information for this unit, select Unit Outline from the list below. Please note the teaching period for which the Unit Outline is relevant.

Unit code:AMB164
Equivalent(s):AMB264, AMX264
Credit points:12
TimetableDetails in HiQ, if available
Gardens Point
Semester 1, Semester 2
Semester 1, Semester 2
CSP student contribution  $2,040
Pre-2021 CSP student contribution  $1,597

The pre-2021 commonwealth supported place (CSP) contribution amount only applies to students enrolled in a course prior to 2021. To learn more, visit our Understanding your fees page.

Domestic tuition unit fee  $3,024
International unit fee  $4,176
AMB164 Media Relations and Publicity introduces you to the tools and techniques you will need to work with the media and get positive publicity for organisations. This makes the unit an ideal elective for students from any discipline looking to add value to their major. The tools and techniques covered in AMB164 Media Relations and Publicity will also provide foundational knowledge and skills for use in subsequent units in the public relations major and minor. AMB164 Media Relations and Publicity helps you develop the skills required to effectively communicate with audiences on behalf of organisations through legacy/traditional and other forms of media.