PUQ451 Introduction to Disaster Risk Management

To view more information for this unit, select Unit Outline from the list below. Please note the teaching period for which the Unit Outline is relevant.

Unit Outline: Session 3 2024, QUT Online, Online

Unit code:PUQ451
Credit points:12
Assumed Knowledge:


Coordinator:Jo Durham | joanne.durham@qut.edu.au
Disclaimer - Offer of some units is subject to viability, and information in these Unit Outlines is subject to change prior to commencement of the teaching period.


This is a foundational disaster risk management unit that introduces you to the core concepts, frameworks and underpinning principles that guide the effective management of emergencies, and man-made, weather and climate- related disasters and health impacts. This introductory unit explores the types, nature and impact of disasters and emergencies on communities in local, national and international contexts, and the range and role of national and international agencies working in emergency and disaster risk management. 

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit you will be able to:

  1. Explain the theoretical principles and frameworks that underpin the management of emergencies and/or disasters
  2. Communicate how specific roles function in emergency or disaster management by applying knowledge about systems, services, interprofessional collaboration to identify career development needs
  3. Critically analyse and appraise a specific event and undertake a comprehensive risk management assessment


In this unit you will study the following four modules:

  1. Emergencies, disasters and health and socio-economic impacts on communities
  2. Key agencies, roles, coordination, interprofessional collaboration, and career and volunteer opportunities
  3. Assessing, managing and mitigating risk in different contexts
  4. Building organisational and community resilience

Learning Approaches

In this fully online unit you will have the opportunity to learn through active engagement with the learning resources, online discussions and self-directed learning materials. Additionally, you be able to learn from the experience of real-world industry practitioners, apply and consolidate your learning by critically analyzing contemporary real-world case studies. It is expected as an online student you will sustain a regular study schedule and maintain regular contact with your online tutor.

Feedback on Learning and Assessment

You will receive feedback on your learning in a variety of ways, including

  • Formal written or recorded feedback will be received on assessment tasks 2 and 3 via Turnitin, in addition to the grade on the Criterion Reference Assessment sheet.
  • Feedback on your assessment task 2 will be received prior to the submission of your assessment task 3.
  • Formal written or recorded feedback will be received on assessment tasks 1.



You are required to complete three assessment tasks: Critical Analysis of Unit Content; Presentation to your work colleagues outlining the importance of disaster risk management to your services/ organisation/work unit or department; a Risk Assessment.  

Unit Grading Scheme

7- point scale

Assessment Tasks

Assessment: Critical Analysis of Unit Content

You will critically analyse contemporary debates in disaster and emergency risk management and discuss these with your peers. Your analysis will draw on the study material within Modules 2, 4, 6 and 8. Within each these four modules, you will be provided with a prompt for discussion based on the module's materials. After addressing the prompt you will then respond to a response from one of your peers.

Weight: 20
Length: 800 words (150 words per initial post and 50 words per response)
Individual/Group: Individual
Due (indicative): Weeks 2, 4, 7 and 9
Related Unit learning outcomes: 1

Assessment: Presentation

In this assignment, you are required to develop and deliver a tailored 5 minute presentation to your work colleagues.  Included in your presentation will be a brief description of your workplace and how specific roles function in emergency or disaster management. You should explain how you analysed the knowledge needs of your audience to determine the specific content of your presentation, including systems, services and interprofessional collaboration. You should also critically reflect on what you learned through researching and preparing the presentation and any career or organisational development needs.

Weight: 30
Length: 5 minutes
Individual/Group: Individual
Due (indicative): Week 5
Related Unit learning outcomes: 2

Assessment: Risk Assessment

You will take on the role of a risk assessor in your organisation to conduct a risk assessment for a specific event,  You will justify your risk assessment based on the literature, theoretical principles and relevant frameworks. Your risk assessment and justification will be shared in a report with the senior leadership team at your organisation.

This assignment is eligible for the 48-hour late submission period and assignment extensions.

Weight: 50
Length: 2500 words
Individual/Group: Individual
Due (indicative): Week 10
Related Unit learning outcomes: 1, 3

Academic Integrity

Students are expected to engage in learning and assessment at QUT with honesty, transparency and fairness. Maintaining academic integrity means upholding these principles and demonstrating valuable professional capabilities based on ethical foundations.

Failure to maintain academic integrity can take many forms. It includes cheating in examinations, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, collusion, and submitting an assessment item completed by another person (e.g. contract cheating). It can also include providing your assessment to another entity, such as to a person or website.

You are encouraged to make use of QUT’s learning support services, resources and tools to assure the academic integrity of your assessment. This includes the use of text matching software that may be available to assist with self-assessing your academic integrity as part of the assessment submission process.

Further details of QUT’s approach to academic integrity are outlined in the Academic integrity policy and the Student Code of Conduct. Breaching QUT’s Academic integrity policy is regarded as student misconduct and can lead to the imposition of penalties ranging from a grade reduction to exclusion from QUT.

Requirements to Study




There are no additional costs associated with this unit.


Resource Materials

Prescribed text(s)

FitzGerald, G., Tarrant, M., Aitken, P. and Fredriksen, M. (2016). Disaster Health Management: A Primer for Students and Practitioners (1PstP ed.). London & NY: Routledge.


PUQ451 Site

Risk Assessment Statement

You are advised to back-up your digital files on a regular basis to ensure work is not lost if there is a hardware failure. Information about the free file storage provided by QUT for students is available on the Storing your files page.

There are no out of the ordinary risks associated with this unit.