IFQ515 Fundamentals of Business Process Management

To view more information for this unit, select Unit Outline from the list below. Please note the teaching period for which the Unit Outline is relevant.

Unit Outline: Session 3 2024, QUT Online, Online

Unit code:IFQ515
Credit points:12
Disclaimer - Offer of some units is subject to viability, and information in these Unit Outlines is subject to change prior to commencement of the teaching period.


This unit provides an in-depth introduction towards the management of Business Processes. It takes you through the fundamental stages of a typical Business process improvement initiative, from process identification, to monitoring, covering along the way process modelling, analysis redesign and automation.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit you will be able to:

  1. Explain how the business process management lifecycle is applied to guide the management and improvement of organisations' processes.
  2. Analyse a business scenario to identify opportunities for business process improvement.
  3. Generate and evaluate business process improvement ideas using a variety of quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques.
  4. Create AS-IS and TO-BE business process models using BPMN.
  5. Optimise services and other processes in an organisation by communicating with business and IT stakeholders.
  6. Collaborate and communicate in a team environment to deliver business process models and improvements in a written report for a client.


This unit introduces a Business Process Management lifecycle and walks you through all the stages of improving a process from beginning to end. Process modelling plays a crucial role across multiple phases of the lifecycle and is specifically focused and covered in depth as an essential analysis tool and a platform for process improvements and redesign.

This unit will develop specific skills for Business Process modelling and improvement as well as general skills in critical thinking, team work, presentation and writing skills. 

Learning Approaches

The content of the unit is delivered through lectures, tutorials, case studies, and the QUT Canvas site. Lectures cover theoretical aspects of the unit, and practical sessions provide an opportunity to solve practical exercises, based on the current week's lecture. Tutorial staff will be available to provide assistance.

The unit emphasises a 'hands-on' approach to learning through the illustration of new concepts through worked examples and demonstrations. The concepts introduced are presented in business scenarios. You will work on the case studies in the tutorials. You are encouraged to work within your assignment groups.

Feedback on Learning and Assessment

The two assignments will be based on the material covered in the lectures and tutorials. The related tasks will be discussed during these contact hours. This will provide you with a deeper understanding of the nature of the tasks. Selected supporting resources will be provided on the unit homepage. A marking guide will be available for the two assignments. A detailed marking of assignments will provide you with comprehensive feedback.

Teaching staff are available during the tutorials and consultation hours to clarify or elaborate on the assignment content and provide constructive feedback.

For the final exam you will be referred to the Faculty's formal 'Review of exam' procedures.



The assessment in this unit has been designed to provide you with a scaffolded learning experience.
Written assessments will be submitted to the Assignment minder at the set deadlines. Additional support for all assessment will be provided throughout the semester.

Unit Grading Scheme

7- point scale

Assessment Tasks

Assessment: Case Study

You will be provided with a realistic and detailed case study that you have to analyse following methods and techniques that will be taught in the first weeks of the semester. You will submit a detailed process analysis report (including as-is process maps) and have to be prepared to present your results in the classroom. You will get comprehensive feedback.

This is an assignment for the purposes of an extension.

Weight: 30
Individual/Group: Individual and group
Due (indicative): Mid Semester
Related Unit learning outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Assessment: Case Study

You will continue work from Assessment 1. You will select and design a specific phased out solution for an improved process which includes the to-be models and related soft and technical implementation plans.

This is an assignment for the purposes of an extension.

Weight: 30
Individual/Group: Individual and group
Due (indicative): Late semester
Related Unit learning outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Assessment: Final Exam

Final written exam

Weight: 40
Length: 3 hours
Individual/Group: Individual
Due (indicative): Late Semester
Related Unit learning outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Academic Integrity

Students are expected to engage in learning and assessment at QUT with honesty, transparency and fairness. Maintaining academic integrity means upholding these principles and demonstrating valuable professional capabilities based on ethical foundations.

Failure to maintain academic integrity can take many forms. It includes cheating in examinations, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, collusion, and submitting an assessment item completed by another person (e.g. contract cheating). It can also include providing your assessment to another entity, such as to a person or website.

You are encouraged to make use of QUT’s learning support services, resources and tools to assure the academic integrity of your assessment. This includes the use of text matching software that may be available to assist with self-assessing your academic integrity as part of the assessment submission process.

Further details of QUT’s approach to academic integrity are outlined in the Academic integrity policy and the Student Code of Conduct. Breaching QUT’s Academic integrity policy is regarded as student misconduct and can lead to the imposition of penalties ranging from a grade reduction to exclusion from QUT.


Dumas, Marlon; La Rosa, Marcello; Mendling, Jan; Reijers, Hajo A (2018) “Fundamentals of business process management” ISBN 978-3-662-56508-7

Risk Assessment Statement

There are no unusual health or safety risks associated with this unit.

Course Learning Outcomes

This unit is designed to support your development of the following course/study area learning outcomes.

IQ14 Graduate Certificate in Business Analysis

  1. Demonstrate advanced Business Analysis discipline knowledge
    Relates to: Case Study, Case Study, Final Exam
  2. Apply Business Analysis design and problem-solving skills in industry & organisational contexts
    Relates to: Case Study, Case Study, Final Exam
  3. Work effectively in both self-directed and collaborative contexts
    Relates to: Case Study, Final Exam
  4. Create considered and relevant Business Analysis solutions
    Relates to: Case Study, Case Study, Final Exam