ENN502 Control of Renewable Electrical Energy Systems - Wind

To view more information for this unit, select Unit Outline from the list below. Please note the teaching period for which the Unit Outline is relevant.

Unit Outline: Semester 2 - 6 Week C 2024, Gardens Point, Internal

Unit code:ENN502
Credit points:6
Pre-requisite:Admission to (EN53, EV53, EN63 or EN56 or EN73 or EN76)
Coordinator:Geoff Walker | geoffrey.walker@qut.edu.au
Disclaimer - Offer of some units is subject to viability, and information in these Unit Outlines is subject to change prior to commencement of the teaching period.


Wind energy as a renewable energy source has been increasingly adopted in the generation mix world-wide in recent times. In this advanced postgraduate unit, you will gain in-depth knowledge about the type of electrical generators used in wind generation systems and their control. In particular, the modelling of squirrel cage, synchronous, and doubly-fed induction generators will be discussed in detail. You will also learn how power electronic converters are interfaced with wind power generators, including the modulation and control of these converters. Finally, you will learn how multiple wind turbines are connected and controlled in the context of wind farms.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit you will be able to:

  1. Critically analyse and evaluate the operation of wind energy systems of different technologies
  2. Apply advanced technical knowledge and relevant methods to solve problems in wind energy systems operation and control
  3. Communicate responses to complex wind energy systems problems through structured technical documentation.


  • Wind energy system fundamentals
  • Squirrel cage induction generators for wind power generation
  • Doubly-fed induction generators for wind power generation
  • Permanent magnet synchronous generators for wind power generation
  • Interfacing of multiple wind generators with power electronic converters

Learning Approaches

Mode of Teaching
Total hours per week: 4
Lecture: 2 hours per week
Laboratory: 2 hours per week

Learning approaches
The delivery of this unit is through lectures and laboratories supporting collaborative project work.

Lectures will provide the knowledge required for this unit and will be supported by laboratories in collaborative learning spaces enabling you to apply the theory described in lectures. These sessions will involve problem solving exercises to understand, integrate and apply mathematical concepts to the control of wind energy systems. Computer aided numerical computation and graphical presentation of results is introduced using appropriate software.

These activities will be detailed by week one of the unit schedule. You can also expect to be provided with learning resources including presentations and readings on a unit Canvas site, which you can access flexibly to complete your learning in this unit.

At the beginning of the unit, you will be made aware of the ways in which you can ask questions or seek clarification from the unit coordinator, lecturers and tutors.

You are expected to:

  • Engage with timetabled learning activities on campus and ask questions.
  • Engage with online resources outside of timetabled learning activities. They will be available on the unit Canvas site. You will receive regular email announcements regarding the release of these resources.
  • Work independently to complete your engineering solution.While there will be time during timetabled tutorial classes, you will also need to undertake independent work outside of that time to complete assessment tasks, including for areas of individual responsibility.
  • Prepare for learning activities according to the unit schedule, and follow up on any work not completed.
  • Complete assessment tasks by working consistently throughout the semester and meeting the due dates that are published via the unit Canvas site.

Feedback on Learning and Assessment

Feedback will be provided in lectures, and during laboratories in collaborative learning spaces. You are encouraged to engage in active questioning during the lecture and collaborative learning spaces.

Assessment submission will be marked against criteria and standards, which will be shared with you at the beginning, through assessment task descriptions and grading rubrics. Graded assessment will include feedback from assessors, against the criteria, with specific reference to the standards of attainment.



This unit will be assessed based on the following evaluating items:
1. Test - Problem Solving Tasks
2. Individual Project

Unit Grading Scheme

7- point scale

Assessment Tasks

Assessment: Test - Problem Solving Tasks

You will complete problem solving tasks on wind power systems modelling, operation and control concepts, in the form of a test.

Weight: 20
Length: 1 hour
Individual/Group: Individual
Due (indicative): During Semester
Related Unit learning outcomes: 1, 2

Assessment: Wind Power Systems Design Project

The students will undertake a design task on control of wind turbine systems. They will use the advanced knowledge gathered in this unit to analyze, formulate and simulate the problems in the design task and submit their findings in the form of a report. A part of this task can be an open-ended design where students can use their own way of thinking to come up with a solution.

This assignment is eligible for the 48-hour late submission period and assignment extensions.

Weight: 80
Length: maximum 8 pages
Individual/Group: Individual
Due (indicative): End of Semester
Related Unit learning outcomes: 1, 2, 3

Academic Integrity

Students are expected to engage in learning and assessment at QUT with honesty, transparency and fairness. Maintaining academic integrity means upholding these principles and demonstrating valuable professional capabilities based on ethical foundations.

Failure to maintain academic integrity can take many forms. It includes cheating in examinations, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, collusion, and submitting an assessment item completed by another person (e.g. contract cheating). It can also include providing your assessment to another entity, such as to a person or website.

You are encouraged to make use of QUT’s learning support services, resources and tools to assure the academic integrity of your assessment. This includes the use of text matching software that may be available to assist with self-assessing your academic integrity as part of the assessment submission process.

Further details of QUT’s approach to academic integrity are outlined in the Academic integrity policy and the Student Code of Conduct. Breaching QUT’s Academic integrity policy is regarded as student misconduct and can lead to the imposition of penalties ranging from a grade reduction to exclusion from QUT.


Learning material in this unit will be managed from QUT's Learning Management System (LMS).

Risk Assessment Statement

There are no unusual health or safety risks associated with this unit. You will be made aware of evacuation procedures and assembly areas in the first few weeks. In the event of a fire alarm sounding, or on a lecturer's or tutor's instruction, you should leave the room and assemble in the designated area which will be indicated to you. You should be conscious of your health and safety at all times whilst on campus.

Course Learning Outcomes

This unit is designed to support your development of the following course/study area learning outcomes.

EN53 Master of Renewable Energy

  1. Demonstrate and apply advanced and specialist discipline knowledge, concepts and practices as they relate to contemporary practice in Renewable Energy
    Relates to: Test - Problem Solving Tasks
  2. Analyse and evaluate Renwable Energy problems using technical approaches informed by contemporary practice and leading edge research to achieve innovative, critically informed solutions
    Relates to: Test - Problem Solving Tasks
  3. Apply innovative, systematic approaches to plan, design, deliver and manage projects in Renewable Energy in a way that assures sustainable outcomes over their whole lifecycle
    Relates to: Wind Power Systems Design Project
  4. Effectively communicate Renewable Energy problems, related complex data and information, and solutions in contemporary professional formats for diverse purposes and audiences
    Relates to: Wind Power Systems Design Project
  5. Demonstrate ethically and socially responsible practice, recognising the importance of personal accountability and reflective practice when working in individual and collaborative modes
    Relates to: Wind Power Systems Design Project

EN56 Master of Engineering Technology

  1. Demonstrate and apply advanced and specialist discipline knowledge, concepts and practices as they relate to contemporary practice in Engineering Technology
    Relates to: Test - Problem Solving Tasks
  2. Analyse and evaluate Engineering Technology problems using technical approaches informed by contemporary practice and leading edge research to achieve innovative, critically informed solutions
    Relates to: Test - Problem Solving Tasks
  3. Apply innovative, systematic approaches to plan, design, deliver and manage projects in Engineering Technology in a way that assures sustainable outcomes over their whole lifecycle
    Relates to: Wind Power Systems Design Project
  4. Effectively communicate Engineering Technology problems, related complex data and information, and solutions in contemporary professional formats for diverse purposes and audiences
    Relates to: Wind Power Systems Design Project
  5. Demonstrate ethically and socially responsible practice, recognising the importance of personal accountability and reflective practice when working in individual and collaborative modes
    Relates to: Wind Power Systems Design Project

EN63 Graduate Certificate in Renewable Power

  1. Demonstrate and apply advanced discipline knowledge, concepts and practices as they relate to contemporary practice in Renewable Power
    Relates to: Test - Problem Solving Tasks
  2. Analyse and evaluate Renewable Power problems using technical approaches informed by contemporary practice to achieve innovative, critically informed solutions
    Relates to: Test - Problem Solving Tasks
  3. Apply innovative, systematic approaches to plan, design, deliver and manage projects in Renewable Power in a way that assures sustainable outcomes over their whole lifecycle
    Relates to: Wind Power Systems Design Project
  4. Effectively communicate Renewable Power problems, related complex data and information, and solutions in contemporary professional formats for diverse purposes and audiences
    Relates to: Wind Power Systems Design Project
  5. Demonstrate ethically and socially responsible practice, recognising the importance of personal accountability and reflective practice when working in individual and collaborative modes
    Relates to: Wind Power Systems Design Project

EN73 Master of Renewable Energy with Project Management

  1. Demonstrate and apply advanced and specialist discipline knowledge, concepts, methods and practices as they relate to contemporary practice in Renewable Energy and Project Management domains
    Relates to: Test - Problem Solving Tasks
  2. Analyse and evaluate problems in Renewable Energy and Project Management domains using technical approaches informed by contemporary practice and leading-edge research to achieve evidence based, innovative, critically informed solutions and outcomes
    Relates to: Test - Problem Solving Tasks
  3. Apply innovative, systematic approaches to plan, design, deliver and manage projects in Renewable Energy and Project Management domains in a way that assures sustainable outcomes and strategic objectives over their whole lifecycle
    Relates to: Wind Power Systems Design Project
  4. Effectively communicate problems in Renewable Energy and Project Management domains, related complex data and information, and solutions in contemporary professional formats for diverse purposes and audiences
    Relates to: Wind Power Systems Design Project
  5. Demonstrate ethically and socially responsible practice, recognising the importance of personal accountability, reflective practice, risk-informed judgements, and leadership
    Relates to: Wind Power Systems Design Project

EN76 Master of Renewable Energy with Data Analytics

  1. Demonstrate and apply advanced and specialist discipline knowledge, concepts, methods and practices as they relate to contemporary practice in Renewable Energy and Data Analytics domains
    Relates to: Test - Problem Solving Tasks
  2. Analyse and evaluate problems in Renewable Energy and Data Analytics domains using technical approaches informed by contemporary practice and leading-edge research to achieve evidence based, innovative, critically informed solutions and outcomes
    Relates to: Test - Problem Solving Tasks
  3. Apply innovative, systematic approaches to plan, design, deliver and manage projects in Renewable Energy and Data Analytics domains in a way that assures sustainable outcomes and strategic objectives over their whole lifecycle
    Relates to: Wind Power Systems Design Project
  4. Effectively communicate problems in Renewable Energy and Data Analytics domains, related complex data and information, and solutions in contemporary professional formats for diverse purposes and audiences
    Relates to: Wind Power Systems Design Project
  5. Demonstrate ethically and socially responsible practice, recognising the importance of personal accountability, reflective practice, risk-informed judgements, and leadership
    Relates to: Wind Power Systems Design Project

EN79 Graduate Diploma in Engineering Studies

  1. Demonstrate and apply advanced discipline knowledge, concepts and practices as they relate to contemporary Engineering practice
    Relates to: Test - Problem Solving Tasks
  2. Analyse and evaluate Engineering problems using technical approaches informed by contemporary practice and leading edge research to achieve innovative, critically informed solutions
    Relates to: Test - Problem Solving Tasks
  3. Apply innovative, systematic approaches to plan, design, deliver and manage Engineering projects in a way that assures sustainable outcomes over their whole lifecycle
    Relates to: Wind Power Systems Design Project
  4. Effectively communicate Engineering problems, related complex data and information, and solutions in contemporary professional formats for diverse purposes and audiences
    Relates to: Wind Power Systems Design Project
  5. Demonstrate ethically and socially responsible practice, recognising the importance of personal accountability and reflective practice when working in individual and collaborative modes
    Relates to: Wind Power Systems Design Project