XNH356 Contemporary Management and Practice of Food and Nutrition Services

To view more information for this unit, select Unit Outline from the list below. Please note the teaching period for which the Unit Outline is relevant.

Unit Outline: Semester 2 2024, Kelvin Grove, Internal

Unit code:XNH356
Credit points:12
Pre-requisite:XNB148 and XNB149 and XNB250 and XNB252 and XNB346
Co-requisite:XNB347 and XNH348
Coordinator:Mary Hannan-Jones | m.hannan-jones@qut.edu.au
Disclaimer - Offer of some units is subject to viability, and information in these Unit Outlines is subject to change prior to commencement of the teaching period.


This unit is in the intermediate stage of your course and builds on studies in nutrition, food chemistry and technology and medical nutrition therapy. For nutrition and dietetics professionals, an understanding of nutrition and foodservices, their organisation and management are integral to advocating for improved health outcomes for individuals, groups and populations.
This unit develops your practical knowledge and skills in foodservice management, contemporary management principles, and systems approaches for high quality effective food and nutrition services. Your foodservice management knowledge and skills will be further extended in your Work Integrated Learning units in the final year of the nutrition and dietetic program.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit you will be able to:

  1. Describe and critically evaluate foodservice systems and approaches for a variety of groups in a range of settings. [XN45 CLO-1,2]
  2. Compare and contrast management principles in the development and delivery of food and nutrition services. [XN45 CLO-2]
  3. Develop and evaluate menu plans for a range of foodservices across a range of diverse contexts [XN45 CLO-2,3]
  4. Identify and describe the components of a Total Quality Management system for a food and nutrition service [XN45 CLO-2]
  5. Demonstrate technical communication skills in writing plans, reports suitable for management [XN45 CLO-2,3]
  6. Demonstrate academic and professional core skills including communication, critique, reflection, ethical practice and critical cultural consciousness[XN43, XN45 CLO-4]


This unit will cover the application of contemporary management and practice foodservice theory as it relates to food nutrition and dietetic settings, including:

  • Integration of food and nutrition services for groups including vulnerable, nutritionally dependant, culturally or otherwise diverse.
  • Food provisioning, menu planning, Nutrient Reference Values (as they apply to nutrition planning for groups), nutrition standards, evaluation and socio-ecological approaches to efficient and effective foodservices.
  • Systems for large scale food provisioning, procurement, production, distribution, facility design and technology
  • Systems for quality management, foodsafety, risk and information management
  • Governance, legislative requirements, organisational design, contemporary human resource management, leadership, advocacy and change management
  • Business management, planning, marketing, costing and finance systems
  • Professional and ethical practice, accountability, professional auditing, reporting and communication.

Learning Approaches

This unit engages you in your learning through an inquiry-based learning approach. The unit will use a blend of face-to-face (including interactive tutorials), online activities and industry service learning (WIL) and fieldtrip activities with these activities being integral and compulsory. You will be expected to engage with face to face and online content prior to weekly on campus sessions and WIL and fieldtrip activities.

Feedback on Learning and Assessment

Different forms of feedback will be provided throughout the semester including formal and informal, formative and summative assessment. You will receive grades using the criteria sheet as well as written comments. You are encouraged to speak with your unit co-ordinator/tutor before or after class or by email with any questions or concerns about the assessment items. Responses to frequently asked questions will be made available to all students through Canvas announcements. Tutorials include questions and activities that will provide feedback on knowledge and understanding to inform your assessment pieces. There will be time available in all tutorials for you to ask questions on any concepts covered during the lectures to enable clarification.



Information included on Canvas provides detailed criteria and tasks for completion of the assessment. Students are encouraged to check their work against the criteria to ensure all aspects are completed.

Unit Grading Scheme

7- point scale

Assessment Tasks

Assessment: Professional Plans

This is a menu planning activity where you will be provided with a real life scenario typically confronted by dietitians advocating for improved foodservices for institutional groups. You will critique the food provision and provide revised menu plans using appropriate tools. You will be expected to write your findings and plans in a professional manner demonstrating problem solving skills and knowledge of the underpinning management issues.

This is an assignment for the purposes of an extension.

Weight: 30
Individual/Group: Group
Due (indicative): Mid semester
Related Unit learning outcomes: 1, 3, 5

Assessment: Report

You will undertake a small structured quality activity within a foodservice undertaken as part of a work integrated learning activity, and write your findings in a report suitable for management. The report will include a reflection on the staffing, and quality management systems in place at the foodservice, and your own personal learning from undertaking the activity, including a perspective on the role of a dietitian in this setting.

This is an assignment for the purposes of an extension.

Weight: 30
Individual/Group: Individual
Due (indicative): End semester
Related Unit learning outcomes: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6

Assessment: Essay

You will be provided with a choice of topics, of practice based questions typically confronted by dietitians and managers working with foodservices in the current environment. You will select a number of topics to justify a position, and write a critical essay. In your essays you will use evidence to develop your own professional opinion considerate of practical solutions and knowledge of principles of foodservice management.

This is an assignment for the purposes of an extension.

Weight: 40
Individual/Group: Individual
Due (indicative): End semester
Related Unit learning outcomes: 1, 2, 4, 5

Academic Integrity

Students are expected to engage in learning and assessment at QUT with honesty, transparency and fairness. Maintaining academic integrity means upholding these principles and demonstrating valuable professional capabilities based on ethical foundations.

Failure to maintain academic integrity can take many forms. It includes cheating in examinations, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, collusion, and submitting an assessment item completed by another person (e.g. contract cheating). It can also include providing your assessment to another entity, such as to a person or website.

You are encouraged to make use of QUT’s learning support services, resources and tools to assure the academic integrity of your assessment. This includes the use of text matching software that may be available to assist with self-assessing your academic integrity as part of the assessment submission process.

Further details of QUT’s approach to academic integrity are outlined in the Academic integrity policy and the Student Code of Conduct. Breaching QUT’s Academic integrity policy is regarded as student misconduct and can lead to the imposition of penalties ranging from a grade reduction to exclusion from QUT.


Resource Materials

Prescribed text(s)

Gregoire, M (2017) Foodservice Organisations: A Managerial and systems approach (9th edition) Pearson


This unit will require you participate in Work Integrated Learning activities off campus. As well as being responsible for your own travel arrangements, you will also be expected to wear professional clothing for these activities.

Risk Assessment Statement

As noted above, assessment for this unit will involve a workplace-based assignment. You are expected to be aware of and abide by the health and safety requirements of the workplace. You are also expected to undergo any induction or other training provided in the workplace for employees or visitors to the workplace as appropriate. You will be required to meet mandatory requirements including those for vaccination and suitability for working with special groups, please see the Workplace Integrated Learning website for further details.

This unit will involve tutorial classes that will be held in a food laboratory area. You will be required to attend the induction session at the commencement of the semester where the safety precautions to be observed while working in the laboratory will be outlined. You are required to read the laboratory safety manual and sign the form indicating that you have read and understood the material contained in the manual. You are required to wear the prescribed safety and hygiene clothing at all lab-based sessions. For the purposes of this requirement, you must wear safe flat, closed in footwear, a long-sleeved chef's jacket, and protective headwear a hair net. Hair nets will be provided in class.