XNB370 Performance Analysis
To view more information for this unit, select Unit Outline from the list below. Please note the teaching period for which the Unit Outline is relevant.
Unit code: | XNB370 |
Prerequisite(s): | XNB470. XNB470 can be studied in the same teaching period as XNB370 |
Equivalent(s): | HMB347 |
Credit points: | 12 |
Timetable | Details in HiQ, if available |
Availabilities |
CSP student contribution | $2,124 |
Pre-2021 CSP student contribution | $996 The pre-2021 commonwealth supported place (CSP) contribution amount only applies to students enrolled in a course prior to 2021. To learn more, visit our Understanding your fees page. |
Domestic tuition unit fee | $3,204 |
International unit fee | $4,572 |
Unit Outline: Semester 2 2025, Kelvin Grove, Internal
Unit code: | XNB370 |
Credit points: | 12 |
Pre-requisite: | XNB470. XNB470 can be studied in the same teaching period as XNB370. |
Coordinator: | Geoffrey Minett | geoffrey.minett@qut.edu.au |
This unit is designed to integrate knowledge from the core areas of exercise science (exercise physiology, biomechanics, skill acquisition and functional anatomy) and apply them to analysing sports performance. An ever-increasing range of quantitative information about human performance is available, including training and workload data, individual motion and kinematics, and competition results. Extracting key information from this data to support decision-making is an increasingly important process, whether in optimising training, talent identification, or tracking performance in sport; informing clinical and rehabilitation decisions following injury, or in more specialised settings in exercise and movement science research. A key component will be utilising available technology to collect, analyse and make sense of the data for the athletes and coaches.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this unit you will be able to:
- Identify key performance variables for a broad range of activities in sport
- Use contemporary performance analysis tools and techniques to monitor sports performance
- Collect, analyse, and culturally safely integrate industry-relevant data, incorporating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives, to make support informed decisions within training and competition settings
- Demonstrate effective project management, teamwork and cultural skills to manage the collection of data and presentation of the data to coaches, athletes and relevant stakeholders
The topics covered in this unit have been developed to integrate learnings from all sub-discipline areas to analyse performance in an applied sporting context. Major topics include:
- The role of performance analysis in sport
- Contemporary performance analysis tools and techniques
- Translating data into insights for decision-making in sport
- Communicating evidence in performance environments
Learning Approaches
The unit adopts a blended learning approach that includes online lectures and weekly tutorials where you will engage in collaborative activities and apply the concepts learnt in class to Assessment Tasks. Class attendance is a key expectation to maximise learning opportunities.
Feedback on Learning and Assessment
Feedback in this unit may be provided in the following ways:
- Verbal and/or written feedback on each piece of formative and summative assessment during the semester
- Criteria sheet grading
- Comments, including peer feedback on group work, on summative assessment
- Generic comments back to the cohort via QUT Canvas
You are encouraged to communicate with the unit coordinator or unit tutor if you have any questions or concerns about the assessment items.
General assessment information and feedback to students
This unit incorporates both formative and summative assessment items, to guide your progress in the unit and the course.
Unit Grading Scheme
7- point scale
Assessment Tasks
Assessment: Project (research)
Working in groups, you will pitch performance analysis projects to optimise selected athlete outcomes. You will subsequently undertake a research project using real-world performance analysis tools and techniques. The collected data will be analysed and communicated to lay and expert groups as is expected of performance analysts in the field.
This assignment is eligible for the 48-hour late submission period and assignment extensions.
Assessment: Case Study
You will be provided with real-world data and be required to use statistical analyses to answer questions commonly asked by athletes and coaches. Identifying the appropriate analyses, completing, and numerically and visually reporting appropriately under time pressure aligns with the requirements of performance analysts in the field.
This assignment is eligible for the 48-hour late submission period and assignment extensions.
Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is a commitment to undertaking academic work and assessment in a manner that is ethical, fair, honest, respectful and accountable.
The Academic Integrity Policy sets out the range of conduct that can be a failure to maintain the standards of academic integrity. This includes, cheating in exams, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, collusion and contract cheating. It also includes providing fraudulent or altered documentation in support of an academic concession application, for example an assignment extension or a deferred exam.
You are encouraged to make use of QUT’s learning support services, resources and tools to assure the academic integrity of your assessment. This includes the use of text matching software that may be available to assist with self-assessing your academic integrity as part of the assessment submission process.
Breaching QUT’s Academic Integrity Policy or engaging in conduct that may defeat or compromise the purpose of assessment can lead to a finding of student misconduct (Code of Conduct – Student) and result in the imposition of penalties under the Management of Student Misconduct Policy, ranging from a grade reduction to exclusion from QUT.
Readings are provided via the course material database.
Risk Assessment Statement
You are required to read and abide by the Health and Safety Rules for School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences Laboratories and Clinics prior to undertaking any of the laboratories for this unit. These Health and Safety Rules are provided in electronic form on the online teaching site for this unit and are prominently displayed in hardcopy within the laboratory/clinic.
Course Learning Outcomes
This unit is designed to support your development of the following course/study area learning outcomes.XN50 Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science
- Design and deliver exercise assessments and programs to meet the specific needs of contemporary sport, exercise and health contexts.
Relates to: Project (research) - Apply problem-solving, critical thinking, and analytical reasoning to implement, analyse and evaluate evidence-based interventions for diverse clients and stakeholders.
Relates to: Project (research), Case Study - Communicate and collaborate to transfer complex knowledge to clients and health professionals in a culturally safe manner.
Relates to: Project (research), Case Study - Apply knowledge and skills within the professional, legislative, and ethical standards of practice.
Relates to: Project (research), Case Study