PUN632 Leadership in Healthcare

To view more information for this unit, select Unit Outline from the list below. Please note the teaching period for which the Unit Outline is relevant.

Unit Outline: Semester 2 2024, Kelvin Grove, Internal

Unit code:PUN632
Credit points:12
Equivalent:PUQ632, PUZ632
Coordinator:Paula Bowman | paula.bowman@qut.edu.au
Disclaimer - Offer of some units is subject to viability, and information in these Unit Outlines is subject to change prior to commencement of the teaching period.


In the challenging environment of the contemporary health system, managers will be required to provide organisational leadership to ensure that services continue to evolve to meet the changing community needs and the changing service delivery challenges. Such leadership requires the acquisition of knowledge and the development of competencies in leadership that may enable the future manager to address the current and future challenges. The unit develops skills in addressing contemporary problems in public health related to the management of health services and prepares students to consider the strategic importance of leadership throughout all public health areas. You will be challenged to critically evaluate your leadership capabilities and philosophy.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit you will be able to:

  1. Critcally analyse key theories and current concepts of leadership as these apply to public and private health, aged care and disability settings.
  2. Examine the evidence for the impact of strategic leadership on sound governance, organisational culture and performance.
  3. Identify and apply methods, concepts and tools for leading transformational change and innovation in the health, aged care and disability context.
  4. Discuss strategies to collaborate with a diverse range of stakeholders in the design and delivery of health services.
  5. Assess own leadership and managerial style to identify further professional development needs.


The unit will address the issues of importance in the strategic leadership and management of health organisations. It will include:

  • Leadership, including interdisciplinary and interprofessional teamwork
  • Healthcare contexts
  • Governance including clinical governance
  • Organisational performance and evaluation
  • Media and communications
  • Strategic policy, planning and evaluation for sustainable services
  • Community and staff engagement with diverse groups, including First Nations communities
  • Career development
  • Change management and innovation.

Learning Approaches

In this unit, you will learn by engaging in the following:

  • workshops in block teaching period (2 x 2 days each) - including lectures and guest speaker presentations
  • tutorials (weekly)
  • online readings and learning materials
  • real world examples of health leadership

The block teaching includes presentations from senior health / industry leaders who will discuss with you key concepts and issues in health leadership and health service management. These leaders exemplify different leadership styles and characteristics. All students are encouraged to attend the block teaching.

Tutorials will include case studies which enable you to discuss and debate issues confronted by health care leaders. Throughout the semester, you and your peers will facilitate some of the tutorials (see Assessment 2).

Readings will be provided which provide a broad and diverse analysis of the current strategic issues. You will be provided with links to strategic documents and to relevant texts for independent and group discussion and be required to identify additional relevant readings and resources to extend your critical thinking skills.

Feedback on Learning and Assessment

Informal feedback will take place through workshop and tutorial discussions with tutors and peers. Assessment will be spaced throughout the semester to provide the opportunity for feedback on your learning to that point. You will complete self and peer assessment and feedback on your tutorial facilitation (Assessment 2). You will be provided with formal feedback on all your assessments as you progress through the unit.



There are three assessments in this unit.

1. Essay - This will draw on key understandings about healthcare leadership to respond to healthcare management based questions.

2. Tutorial Facilitation - This will provide the opportunity to explore one healthcare leadership topic in-depth from inter-professional perspectives.

3. Professional Plan - This brings together the concepts and strategies presented in the unit materials to analyse health leadership in a real world context.

Unit Grading Scheme

7- point scale

Assessment Tasks

Assessment: Essay

Critical analysis of leadership approaches.
A critical appraisal of the theories, concepts and principles required for leadership in health management including their application across a specific health care sector of interest or relevance to the student. You will need to provide reference to relevant literature to support your response.

This assignment is eligible for the 48-hour late submission period and assignment extensions.

Weight: 40
Length: 2500 - 3000 words
Individual/Group: Individual
Due (indicative): Week 4
Related Unit learning outcomes: 1, 2

Assessment: Tutorial Facilitation

You will work in groups to facilitate and lead a tutorial on a selected health leadership topic during the semester. In the tutorial, you will facilitate interdisciplinary and inter-professional discussion about your topic. You will complete both a self and group evaluation to reflect on the process of working in a group.

Weight: 10
Length: 20 minutes
Individual/Group: Group
Due (indicative): Throughout semester Weeks 2-13 - your group will be assigned a week to facilitate the tutorial
Related Unit learning outcomes: 2, 4

Assessment: Career Plan

You will develop a plan to prepare yourself to apply for a strategic leadership job in response to a job advertisement. Your plan will include some background research and critical analysis of the employing organisation to identify the challenges the leadership job might possess. You will review the job description and required competencies, and compare and contrast these with leadership theories. The plan will also include your responses to selection criteria and you will develop a career plan for professional development to improve your leadership skills.

A week before submission, you will be given an interview question to prepare a response to and this will be submitted with your plan.

This assignment is eligible for the 48-hour late submission period and assignment extensions.

Weight: 50
Length: 3000 - 3500 words
Individual/Group: Individual
Due (indicative): Week 12
Related Unit learning outcomes: 1, 3, 5

Academic Integrity

Students are expected to engage in learning and assessment at QUT with honesty, transparency and fairness. Maintaining academic integrity means upholding these principles and demonstrating valuable professional capabilities based on ethical foundations.

Failure to maintain academic integrity can take many forms. It includes cheating in examinations, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, collusion, and submitting an assessment item completed by another person (e.g. contract cheating). It can also include providing your assessment to another entity, such as to a person or website.

You are encouraged to make use of QUT’s learning support services, resources and tools to assure the academic integrity of your assessment. This includes the use of text matching software that may be available to assist with self-assessing your academic integrity as part of the assessment submission process.

Further details of QUT’s approach to academic integrity are outlined in the Academic integrity policy and the Student Code of Conduct. Breaching QUT’s Academic integrity policy is regarded as student misconduct and can lead to the imposition of penalties ranging from a grade reduction to exclusion from QUT.


Resource Materials


Course materials will be provided in the form of course notes and recommended readings.

Risk Assessment Statement

There are no out of the ordinary risks in this unit apart from those associated with substantial computer-based work. You should ensure that you take regular rest breaks when engaging in prolonged computer-based work.


This unit is designed to support your development of the following standards\competencies.

ACHSM Master Health Service Management Competency Framework 2022

A.a): Action - Communication

  1. Relates to: Tutorial Facilitation

  2. Relates to: Essay, Tutorial Facilitation, Career Plan

  3. Relates to: Tutorial Facilitation

  4. Relates to: Career Plan

A.b): Action - Relationship Management

  1. Relates to: Career Plan

  2. Relates to: Tutorial Facilitation, Career Plan

  3. Relates to: Tutorial Facilitation, Career Plan

  4. Relates to: Career Plan

  5. Relates to: Career Plan

A.c): Action - Business Literacy - Talent Management

  1. Relates to: Essay, Career Plan

  2. Relates to: Essay, Career Plan

  3. Relates to: Career Plan

A.d): Action - Business Literacy - Financial and Resource Management

  1. Relates to: Career Plan

  2. Relates to: Career Plan

A.f): Action - Risk Management and Clinical Governance

  1. Relates to: Career Plan

  2. Relates to: Career Plan

  3. Relates to: Essay, Tutorial Facilitation, Career Plan

A.g): Action - Digital Management

  1. Relates to: Career Plan

E.a): Enabling - Health Leadership and Ethical Behaviour

  1. Relates to: Essay, Tutorial Facilitation, Career Plan

  2. Relates to: Essay, Tutorial Facilitation, Career Plan

  3. Relates to: Essay, Tutorial Facilitation, Career Plan

  4. Relates to: Essay, Tutorial Facilitation, Career Plan

E.b): Enabling - Impact and Influence

  1. Relates to: Essay, Career Plan

  2. Relates to: Essay, Career Plan

  3. Relates to: Essay, Tutorial Facilitation, Career Plan

  4. Relates to: Essay, Tutorial Facilitation, Career Plan

  5. Relates to: Essay, Tutorial Facilitation, Career Plan

  6. Relates to: Essay, Tutorial Facilitation, Career Plan

E.c): Enabling - Health Systems

  1. Relates to: Essay, Career Plan

  2. Relates to: Tutorial Facilitation, Career Plan

  3. Relates to: Tutorial Facilitation, Career Plan

  4. Relates to: Tutorial Facilitation

  5. Relates to: Career Plan

  6. Relates to: Career Plan

E.d): Enabling - Self-awareness and Self-confidence

  1. Relates to: Essay, Tutorial Facilitation

  2. Relates to: Essay, Career Plan

  3. Relates to: Tutorial Facilitation, Career Plan

  4. Relates to: Tutorial Facilitation, Career Plan

  5. Relates to: Career Plan

E.e): Enabling - Professionalism

  1. Relates to: Tutorial Facilitation, Career Plan

  2. Relates to: Career Plan

  3. Relates to: Essay, Career Plan

  4. Relates to: Essay, Career Plan

  5. Relates to: Tutorial Facilitation, Career Plan

  6. Relates to: Tutorial Facilitation, Career Plan

E.f): Enabling - Change Leadership

  1. Relates to: Tutorial Facilitation, Career Plan

  2. Relates to: Career Plan

  3. Relates to: Essay, Tutorial Facilitation

  4. Relates to: Tutorial Facilitation

Course Learning Outcomes

This unit is designed to support your development of the following course/study area learning outcomes.

PU77 Graduate Diploma in Health Management and Leadership

  1. Design innovative and strategic responses to health leadership and management challenges to improve consumer, community, organisational and system level outcomes.
    Relates to: Essay, Tutorial Facilitation, Career Plan
  2. Critically analyse research to inform ethical, evidence-based health management and policy decisions.
    Relates to: Essay, Tutorial Facilitation
  3. Formulate strategies for culturally safe and inclusive approaches that optimise health system design and service delivery.
    Relates to: Tutorial Facilitation
  4. Plan ways to communicate, collaborate and negotiate with stakeholders from diverse backgrounds to co-design equitable outcomes and sustainable performance in healthcare.
    Relates to: Tutorial Facilitation
  5. Apply reflective practice to professionally develop self and others.
    Relates to: Career Plan

PU86 Master of Public Health

  1. Apply advanced knowledge of public health principles to complex, current public health issues in diverse local and international contexts
    Relates to: Essay, Career Plan
  2. Critically analyse, synthesise and apply the specialised knowledge,theories and frameworks of public health practice
    Relates to: Essay, Career Plan
  3. Apply advanced oral,written and technical communication and research literacy skills to professional practice in interprofessional teams
    Relates to: Career Plan
  4. Engage professionally to advance efficient and equitable gains in population health through leadership and culturally-safe, evidence-based practice.
    Relates to: Essay, Career Plan

PU87 Master of Health Management and Leadership

  1. Design innovative and strategic responses to health leadership and management challenges to improve consumer, community, organisational and system level outcomes.
    Relates to: Essay, Tutorial Facilitation, Career Plan
  2. Critique and engage in research to inform ethical, evidence-based health management and policy decisions.
    Relates to: Essay, Tutorial Facilitation
  3. Formulate strategies for culturally safe and inclusive approaches to optimise health system design and service delivery.
    Relates to: Tutorial Facilitation
  4. Communicate, collaborate and negotiate with stakeholders from diverse backgrounds to co-design equitable and sustainable healthcare.
    Relates to: Tutorial Facilitation
  5. Apply reflective practice to professionally develop self and others.
    Relates to: Career Plan