KTB121 Acting in Style: The Responsive Actor

To view more information for this unit, select Unit Outline from the list below. Please note the teaching period for which the Unit Outline is relevant.

Unit Outline: Semester 2 2024, Kelvin Grove, Internal

Unit code:KTB121
Credit points:12
Equivalent:KTB106, KSB126
Coordinator:Caroline Heim | caroline.heim@qut.edu.au
Disclaimer - Offer of some units is subject to viability, and information in these Unit Outlines is subject to change prior to commencement of the teaching period.


This unit engages theoretically and practically with interaction, reaction, participation and co-creation in non-realistic approaches to acting with emphasis on the different styles of comedy. The critical and creative theories and techniques needed to cultivate self-awareness, other-awareness, play and improvisation in acting in different styles, constitute the central focus of the unit. The basic premise of performance is sharing the conspiracy of theatre with the creative collaborators, fellow performers and, most importantly, the audience. Being comfortable with the uncertainty of the live act and empowered by its dynamism and ephemerality are key aspects of the development of the responsive actor. A combination of exercises and scene study will deepen the understanding and playing of action in the comedic mode.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit you will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate proficiency in applying reflexive techniques to develop a personal methodology for preparation and delivery of a comedic performance.
  2. Appraise and apply forms and practices of performance.
  3. Demonstrate an awareness of professional rehearsal process and protocols.


This unit provides an experiential approach to the study of acting in style, actor/actor interaction and actor/audience interaction. Working in the comedic genre, you will be introduced to the fundamentals of performing and interacting with an audience in a specific style. The workshops are designed to provide you with acting, ensemble and analytical tools that will assist your understanding of the principles of performance and enhance your ability to participate in higher-level performance activity.

Learning Approaches

The unit features a series of lectures and workshops involving key academic staff who are working practitioners and experts in their fields. Lectures and a reading program will introduce concepts and approaches that will be discussed and explored and applied in workshops and rehearsals of short scenes or performance work, presented and evaluated in in-class showings. Performance-making is a cooperative activity, and you must be available to work in small teams outside normal class time, with sufficient flexibility to coordinate your rehearsal availability with that of others in your group. Attendance at all classes, directed and autonomous rehearsals and performances is strongly recommended. It is recommended keep a Journal as a record of your discoveries and feedback through the course of your study and as a resource for the assessment tasks.

Feedback on Learning and Assessment

Throughout the progress of workshops and rehearsals, your teachers will provide feedback to you which will inform all assessments items. It is recommended that you keep a Journal as a record of your discoveries and feedback through the course of your study and as a resource for future performance endeavour.

Feedback in this unit is also provided to you in the following ways:

  • comments on summative assessment work in addition to criteria sheets, both for group work and individual endeavour
  • generic comments back to the cohort via QUT Canvas.



There are three assessment items which extend your capabilities as a performer and your ability to critique and learn from the work of others. You will be assessed on two performances: the first is an individual performance piece. The second is a group interpretation of a scene. For the third assignment you are required to interview an actor and relate their practice to what you have learned so far from your course work.

Assessment items offer opportunities to bridge the gap between academic approaches and industry. Particular emphasis is given to your ‘professional’ responsibility for personal engagement and the efficient use of rehearsal time, both autonomous and teacher-directed, and for the development of a reliable and creative performance and creative process.

Unit Grading Scheme

7- point scale

Assessment Tasks

Assessment: Performance

A solo performance of a short piece.

Weight: 30
Individual/Group: Individual
Due (indicative): Early Semester
Related Unit learning outcomes: 1, 3

Assessment: Performance

A group performance of a comedy scene.

Weight: 40
Individual/Group: Group
Due (indicative): Mid-Semester
Related Unit learning outcomes: 1, 3

Assessment: Case Study

Students are required to conduct an interview with a practising actor and develop a case study around their practice, informed by learning points introduced in the course work.

This is an assignment for the purposes of an extension.

Weight: 30
Individual/Group: Individual
Due (indicative): Late Semester
Related Unit learning outcomes: 2

Academic Integrity

Students are expected to engage in learning and assessment at QUT with honesty, transparency and fairness. Maintaining academic integrity means upholding these principles and demonstrating valuable professional capabilities based on ethical foundations.

Failure to maintain academic integrity can take many forms. It includes cheating in examinations, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, collusion, and submitting an assessment item completed by another person (e.g. contract cheating). It can also include providing your assessment to another entity, such as to a person or website.

You are encouraged to make use of QUT’s learning support services, resources and tools to assure the academic integrity of your assessment. This includes the use of text matching software that may be available to assist with self-assessing your academic integrity as part of the assessment submission process.

Further details of QUT’s approach to academic integrity are outlined in the Academic integrity policy and the Student Code of Conduct. Breaching QUT’s Academic integrity policy is regarded as student misconduct and can lead to the imposition of penalties ranging from a grade reduction to exclusion from QUT.

Requirements to Study


All students and staff who access campus buildings and facilities are required to complete the Tier 1 CIF General Health and Safety Induction. This must be completed online. This unit also requires a Tier 2 CIF Health and Safety Induction which is provided by the technician on site in the theatre, workshop or studio. If you are completing your group performance online and do not require room bookings, the Tier 2 CIF Health and Safety Induction is not necessary.


Required equipment is listed in the Resource materials section.

There may be required texts for this unit. The unit readings will be available online.

Resource Materials

Safety and protective equipment

Proper clothing appropriate for active studio work is required, including closed-in shoes.


To enable your full participation in the virtual learning environment, for example, participating in online activities and engaging with online learning materials, you will need access to a reliable computer with an internet connection, webcam, headset and microphone, as well as a learning environment where you are able to fully participate undisturbed when required. 

Risk Assessment Statement

For risks associated with using campus buildings or facilities, refer to the Tier 1 CIF General Health and Safety InductionTier 2 CIF Health and Safety Induction is provided by the technician on site in the theatre, workshop or studio. If you are completing your group performance online and do not require room bookings, the Tier 2 CIF Health and Safety Induction is not necessary.

Where substantial computer-based work is required, particularly in the case of fully online students, you are recommended to take regular rest breaks when engaging in prolonged computer-based work, and ensure that your workstation is set up for optimal comfort to prevent strain or injury.

As all performance-makers understand, creating a performance potentially carries with it certain physical and/or emotional risks, both in the rehearsal room and in the theatre. Indeed taking risks is an integral component of the art form’s processes. Some rehearsal warm ups and exercises, and some performance events may include physically or emotionally strenuous activities. Managing this risk to ensure working conditions are safe, is always a high priority in the production process. It is therefore extremely important that if you are aware of personal physical or emotional vulnerabilities that make you feel unsafe or at risk in any way, you should immediately inform teaching staff or the director or stage manager, so that your situation can be evaluated and appropriate rectifying action can be taken.

For students attending live performances: Theatres and other performance spaces are also potentially dangerous places, particularly backstage during performances when low light conditions prevail. You will be warned by the stage manager, the production manager or the director of any specific risks that you will need to be aware of, when your project team first moves in to the theatre. Whenever moving into a new performance space, you should always conduct your own risk assessment, and notify your team or director of any hazards you have personally identified.

Every effort is made by Drama staff at QUT to ensure that you work in a safe environment. Conversely you are absolutely expected to follow all safety rules, procedures and directions, and to ensure that you do not put at risk the safety of others, or yourself, or of the highest artistic fulfilment of the project in any way.

Course Learning Outcomes

This unit is designed to support your development of the following course/study area learning outcomes.

KK34 Bachelor of Fine Arts

  1. Identify and demonstrate knowledge of the techniques and concepts underpinning your field of creative practice.
    Relates to: ULO1, ULO2
  2. Demonstrate complex problem solving through iterative experimentation and the creative and critical development of ideas and outcomes.
    Relates to: ULO1
  3. Demonstrate technical proficiency in at least one area of your field of creative practice.
    Relates to: ULO1, ULO2, ULO3
  4. Discern, critically analyse and synthesise knowledge in complex creative practice settings.
    Relates to: ULO2
  5. Work productively as a leader and collaborator in disciplinary and interdisciplinary creative practice.
    Relates to: ULO3

KK43 Bachelor of Creative Industries

  1. Demonstrate broad and coherent theoretical and practical knowledge required for creative enterprise, career development and interdisciplinary collaborations, supported by depth in at least one creative disciplinary area.
    Relates to: ULO1, ULO2
  2. Demonstrate well-developed cognitive and ideation skills to identify, analyse and evaluate opportunities to address authentic complex problems.
    Relates to: ULO1
  3. Demonstrate technical expertise to support skills and knowledge within the Creative Industries.
    Relates to: ULO2, ULO3
  4. Apply and adapt creative disciplinary knowledge and skills with agility in a range of industry, community and intercultural contexts.
    Relates to: ULO2, ULO3