AYN571 Third Sector Governance and Legal Issues

To view more information for this unit, select Unit Outline from the list below. Please note the teaching period for which the Unit Outline is relevant.

Unit Outline: Semester 2 2024, Gardens Point, Internal

Unit code:AYN571
Credit points:12
Pre-requisite:48 credit points of completed studies.
Equivalent:AYN507, GSN473, GSZ473, GSN412, GSZ412, GSN481, GSN485
Coordinator:Jennifer Robertson | jennifer.robertson@qut.edu.au
Disclaimer - Offer of some units is subject to viability, and information in these Unit Outlines is subject to change prior to commencement of the teaching period.


The 'third sector' encompasses a diversity of values-driven organisations, including, charities and social enterprises. Recent high profile third sector governance failures have challenged community trust in the sector, at times prompting questions about its legitimacy and contributions. In this context public scrutiny of the efficacy of legal frameworks designed to regulate and facilitate the conduct of third sector organisations and concern about the competency and integrity of its leaders have intensified. The primary aim of this unit is to prepare students for working in third sector leadership roles. To support this aim the unit is designed to help students develop a critical understanding of governance models, laws, and normative frameworks and how these can help and hinder leadership responses to real-world governance issues such as those relating to fraud, financial sustainability and mission-drift.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit you will be able to:

  1. Identify and explain key corporate governance concepts, theories, laws and frameworks applicable to third sector organisations. (KS 1.1, SE 5.1)
  2. Use oral and written communication skills to individually, and as a group, analyse, evaluate, and make recommendations on legal and governance issuesand deliver a board briefing (group oral communication to analyse, evaluate, and make recommendations on legal and governance issues. (PC3.1, PC3.2, TS4.2)
  3. Apply theories, laws and frameworks to analyse, evaluate and make recommendations on a range of real world third sector corporate governance and legal issues. (KS 1.1, SE 5.1)
  4. Formulate and justify board level recommendations for addressing real world third sector corporate governance and legal issues. (KS 1.1, SE 5.1)


In this unit you will:

  • Develop an understanding of the purpose, scope and characteristics of the third sector.
  • Develop a critical understanding of key governance theories and how they relate to third sector governance.
  • Examine third sector governance mechanisms, roles, structures, mechanisms and obligations.
  • Identify and explain key legal concepts, laws and issues applicable to third sector governance.
  • Identify and explain key normative frameworks and principles applicable to third sector governance.
  • Analyse and critique key concepts and issues of third sector governance to support critical thinking and reasoning.
  • Analyse and critique third sector governance evaluation frameworks.
  • Apply key governance theories, laws and normative frameworks to analyse, evaluate and form strategic judgements about opportunities and challenges experienced by third sector organisations.

Learning Approaches

Teaching and learning strategies are designed to encourage students to achieve the unit's aim and learning outcomes.

Weekly blended learning activities provide a basic understanding of the concepts, frameworks and issues. This understanding is applied during weekly classes using real world cases with critical thinking skills developed through class activities.  Student knowledge and skills are deepened through the completion of assessment tasks.

To achieve the unit's learning outcomes it is essential that students complete the assigned learning activities prior to each class. Students are also encouraged to extend their learning and challenge themselves by completing additional optional learning activities. 

Proper attention to the teaching and learning strategies should enable students to meet the unit's aim and assessment requirements. A range of inter-related assessment methods are used to assess student knowledge, understanding and skills.

Class materials and assessment information are available from the Unit's Canvas site: http://Canvas.qut.edu.au

COVID-19 restrictions may require changes to the planned Learning Approaches described here. Students should refer to the unit Canvas site for the latest information.

Feedback on Learning and Assessment

Students will receive feedback in various forms throughout the semester which may include: 

  • Informal: worked examples, such as verbal feedback in class, personal consultation 
  • Formal: in writing, such as checklists (e.g. criteria sheets), written commentary 
  • Direct: to individual students, either in written form or in consultation 
  • Indirect: to the whole class 


Unit Grading Scheme

7- point scale

Assessment Tasks

Assessment: Quizzes

The purpose of the quizzes is to provide formative feedback on each student's conceptual and basic applied understanding of terms, theories, laws and frameworks. Quizzes cover content from weeks 1 to 9, inclusive, and will be available each week for a set period on the unit Canvas site from week 5 to10. Online practice quizzes and in-class quizzes assist student preparation for taking assessable quizzes.


Weight: 20
Length: 30 minutes working time for each quiz,
Individual/Group: Individual
Due (indicative): Weekly from week 5 to 10
Summative quizzes containing multiple choice questions. Best results for 4 (out of possible 6) contributes to unit mark.
Related Unit learning outcomes: 1, 3

Assessment: Board legal briefing

Student will collective present a briefing on a board-level legal issue to alert a third sector organisation board to a particular governance issue or opportunity. The briefing will be accompanied by a 800 word briefing paper and slide show presentation. Students should remain in consultation with the unit coordinator in order to ensure the topic is relevant, achievable and adequate for the purposes of this unit.  

Weight: 30
Length: 1500 words: briefing paper - 800 words, and presentation - up to 10 minutes duration with no more than 7 slides
Individual/Group: Group
Due (indicative): Week 8
Related Unit learning outcomes: 1, 2, 3

Assessment: Board Meeting Notes

The purpose of assessment 3 is provide students with a real-world third sector governance experience to apply their critical thinking and communication skills to demonstrate a holistic understanding of the unit content.  Students will be assigned a board leadership role (e.g. Chair, managing director/CEO or independent director) and required to read, analyse and prepare meeting notes for key items in the board pack.  Meeting notes include the identification and justification of issues of concern, questions to be raised at the meeting, and resolutions to be put to the board.


Weight: 50
Length: 2500
Individual/Group: Individual
Due (indicative): Week 13
Related Unit learning outcomes: 2, 3, 4

Academic Integrity

Students are expected to engage in learning and assessment at QUT with honesty, transparency and fairness. Maintaining academic integrity means upholding these principles and demonstrating valuable professional capabilities based on ethical foundations.

Failure to maintain academic integrity can take many forms. It includes cheating in examinations, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, collusion, and submitting an assessment item completed by another person (e.g. contract cheating). It can also include providing your assessment to another entity, such as to a person or website.

You are encouraged to make use of QUT’s learning support services, resources and tools to assure the academic integrity of your assessment. This includes the use of text matching software that may be available to assist with self-assessing your academic integrity as part of the assessment submission process.

Further details of QUT’s approach to academic integrity are outlined in the Academic integrity policy and the Student Code of Conduct. Breaching QUT’s Academic integrity policy is regarded as student misconduct and can lead to the imposition of penalties ranging from a grade reduction to exclusion from QUT.


Resource Materials

Recommended text(s)

Helmut K. Anheier, (2014) 2nd ed. Nonprofit Organisations - Theory, management, policy. London: Routledge. 

Please note this text is available as an e-book for free access from the library 


This unit is designed to support your development of the following standards\competencies.

QUT Business Capabilities (Postgraduate)

KS (1.1): Discipline and Professional Practice Knowledge

Relates to: ULO1, ULO3, ULO4, Quizzes

KS (1.2): Technical, Technological and Research Skills

Relates to: Board legal briefing

PC (3.1): Professional Communication (Written)

Relates to: ULO2

PC (3.2): Professional Communication (Oral)

Relates to: ULO2, Board legal briefing

SE (5.1): Ethical and Legal Understanding

Relates to: ULO1, ULO3, ULO4, Board Meeting Notes

SE (5.2): Global Social Responsibility

Relates to: Quizzes

TS (4.2): Teamwork Knowledge and Skills

Relates to: ULO2, Board legal briefing

Course Learning Outcomes

This unit is designed to support your development of the following course/study area learning outcomes.

BS11 Master of Business

  1. Demonstrate and apply integrated and advanced discipline and professional practice knowledge, including knowledge of relevant research principles and methods.
    Relates to: ULO1, ULO3, ULO4, Quizzes
  2. Demonstrate and apply knowledge of socially responsible behaviour in analysing and addressing business issues and critically reflect on the responsibilities and impacts of organisations in national and international business contexts.
    Relates to: Quizzes
  3. Apply technical, technological and technical research skills to organise and interpret discipline knowledge, including theory and practice, to investigate business issues.
    Relates to: ULO2, Board legal briefing
  4. Use information literacy skills and communicate effectively and professionally in oral forms appropriate for diverse purposes, contexts and audiences.
    Relates to: ULO2, Board legal briefing
  5. Apply teamwork knowledge and skills for effective collaboration across a range of complex activities and contexts.
    Relates to: ULO4, Board legal briefing
  6. Demonstrate and apply knowledge of ethical and legal principles and practices of business in critically analysing and effectively responding to complex business issues.
    Relates to: Board Meeting Notes