PUN107 Foundations of Digital Health

To view more information for this unit, select Unit Outline from the list below. Please note the teaching period for which the Unit Outline is relevant.

Unit Outline: Semester 1 2024, Kelvin Grove, Internal

Unit code:PUN107
Credit points:12
Assumed Knowledge:


Coordinators:Amina Tariq | a.tariq@qut.edu.au
Mostafa Kamalpour | m.kamalpour@qut.edu.au
Disclaimer - Offer of some units is subject to viability, and information in these Unit Outlines is subject to change prior to commencement of the teaching period.


Applied knowledge of digital health systems is essential for anyone working in a healthcare setting. It is important for healthcare professionals to appreciate contemporary technological trends and research evidence, especially those relating to the transition from paper based to electronic medical records (EMRs). This includes familiarity with technical concepts, e.g, interoperability, information security and standards. These concepts are contextualised within organisational dynamics and broader health ecosystems associated with digital health implementation. This unit bridges the inter-disciplinary communication gap which often appears between the healthcare professional and technology specialists. This unit addresses the core components of major national and international certification programs such as Health Information Management and Systems Society (HIMSS) and Certified Health Information Australasia (CHIA). 


Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit you will be able to:

  1. Evaluate approaches to digital health implementation and their impact on healthcare delivery in Australia and worldwide.
  2. Design innovative digital health solutions that enact interoperability, integration, and information standards for optimal organisational outcomes.
  3. Apply the lens of socio-technical perspectives to identify challenges and opportunities of digital health implementation and utilization in healthcare.
  4. Critically appraise existing research evidence to determine how digital health can improve aspects of healthcare relative to professional practice.
  5. Plan ethical and culturally safe practices for collaborating with stakeholders in digitally enabled healthcare environments.


This unit consists of the following major areas of study:

  • What is digital health and its significance in real-world healthcare delivery
  • Electronic Medical Records and their role at local, national, and global levels
  • Role of specialised digital health systems: Decision Support Tools; Tele-health, Personal wellbeing applications
  • Technical concepts that inform design of digital health systems (information standards, interoperability, and enterprise architecture)
  • Data analytics and clinical decision support systems in terms of benefits, risks and strategies for improving data-driven practice
  • Socio-technical context and issues (ethical, legal, cultural and political) associated with digital health implementation and the importance of digital literacy and cultural diversity in healthcare
  • Ways to collaborate with stakeholders and influence organisational leadership for digital health solutions

Learning Approaches

In this unit, you will learn by engaging in the following:

  • Lectures (delivered on-campus and live streamed)
  • Tutorials (delivered on-campus and live streamed)
  • Self-paced learning interactive learning materials

Teaching approaches to this unit are based on the principles of adult learning, facilitated through flexible learning delivery methods. The design of learning activities are drawn from situated learning theory, which will provide you with opportunities to engage in authentic learning and real-world assessment tasks.

The unit will be delivered both online and on-campus.The lectures will provide an opportunity to consolidate learning via practical case-driven discussions and group activities. To ensure flexibility, lectures and tutorials will use media-rich synchronous technologies to enable online and face-to-face students to co-participate in learning activities.

The unit is designed to provide a balance between breadth, for example through coverage of topics in lectures, online sessions and readings; and detail, achieved, for example, through specializing in topics of particular interest in the assessments. Each week you are required to undertake a set of readings for the specific topics, and/or other self-directed activities, such as critically reflecting upon your current work practices. You will receive embedded support for learning, specifically from the QUT library around developing skills how to design evidence search strategy and effectively use academic databases for finding high quality literature, which are essential skills for successful completion of assessment 2.

Feedback on Learning and Assessment

You will receive feedback from peers and teaching staff on the activities conducted in lectures and tutorials. In addition, written and oral feedback associated with the marking of assessments will constitute summative assessments for the unit.



You will work on case-studies presented in the lectures,tutorials and self-paced online activities, and receive feedback on your responses.

Assessment will comprise of  two assessment items.

1. Real-World Case Analysis - This will connect the concepts in this unit with a practical approach to evaluate the outcomes of digital health initiatives in healthcare settings.

2. Digital Health Evidence Report - This brings together the concepts and strategies presented in the unit materials to be applied in a report that articulates the evidence-based value and challenges of a digital health intervention.

Unit Grading Scheme

7- point scale

Assessment Tasks

Assessment: Real -World Case Analysis

You will take on the role of someone investigating digital health solutions for your healthcare organisation. You will undertake a horizon scan of a digital health initiative within the healthcare setting. This will be presented as a recorded presentation to the leadership team at your organisation to explain the digital health inititiative and its benefits within the context.

This assignment is eligible for the 48-hour late submission period and assignment extensions.

Weight: 50
Length: 15 minutes recorded case presentation
Individual/Group: Individual
Due (indicative): Week 6
Related Unit learning outcomes: 1, 2, 3

Assessment: Digital Health Evidence Report

You will take on the role of someone investigating viability of digital health solutions for your healthcare organisation. You will choose an innovative digital health solution (this may be the same as the one chosen in Assessment 1) and prepare a report for your organisation that presents your solution and its benefits, challenges and limitations. You will need to develop a search strategy to gather evidence to support the recommendations for your digital health solution. Your report will outline your stakeholder collaboration strategy.

This assignment is eligible for the 48-hour late submission period and assignment extensions.


Weight: 50
Length: 2500 words
Individual/Group: Individual
Due (indicative): Week 13
Related Unit learning outcomes: 1, 3, 4, 5

Academic Integrity

Students are expected to engage in learning and assessment at QUT with honesty, transparency and fairness. Maintaining academic integrity means upholding these principles and demonstrating valuable professional capabilities based on ethical foundations.

Failure to maintain academic integrity can take many forms. It includes cheating in examinations, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, collusion, and submitting an assessment item completed by another person (e.g. contract cheating). It can also include providing your assessment to another entity, such as to a person or website.

You are encouraged to make use of QUT’s learning support services, resources and tools to assure the academic integrity of your assessment. This includes the use of text matching software that may be available to assist with self-assessing your academic integrity as part of the assessment submission process.

Further details of QUT’s approach to academic integrity are outlined in the Academic integrity policy and the Student Code of Conduct. Breaching QUT’s Academic integrity policy is regarded as student misconduct and can lead to the imposition of penalties ranging from a grade reduction to exclusion from QUT.


Pre-reading learning materials will be developed as part of the preparation for the unit. There is no specific text for this unit. References to case studies, readings and other materials will be provided.

Risk Assessment Statement

There are no out of the ordinary risks in this unit apart from those associated with substantial computer-based work.


This unit is designed to support your development of the following standards\competencies.

ACHSM Master Health Service Management Competency Framework 2022

A.a): Action - Communication

  1. Relates to: Real -World Case Analysis

  2. Relates to: Digital Health Evidence Report

  3. Relates to: Digital Health Evidence Report

A.b): Action - Relationship Management

  1. Relates to: Digital Health Evidence Report

  2. Relates to: Real -World Case Analysis , Digital Health Evidence Report

A.g): Action - Digital Management

  1. Relates to: Real -World Case Analysis , Digital Health Evidence Report

  2. Relates to: Real -World Case Analysis

  3. Relates to: Real -World Case Analysis , Digital Health Evidence Report

  4. Relates to: Real -World Case Analysis

  5. Relates to: Real -World Case Analysis , Digital Health Evidence Report

E.a): Enabling - Health Leadership and Ethical Behaviour

  1. Relates to: Digital Health Evidence Report

E.b): Enabling - Impact and Influence

  1. Relates to: Real -World Case Analysis

E.e): Enabling - Professionalism

  1. Relates to: Real -World Case Analysis , Digital Health Evidence Report

Course Learning Outcomes

This unit is designed to support your development of the following course/study area learning outcomes.

NS32 Graduate Certificate in Nursing

  1. Critically analyse, evaluate, and reflect on specialist nursing knowledge, evidence and practice to improve patient care and health outcomes. 
    Relates to: Real -World Case Analysis , Digital Health Evidence Report
  2. Use evidence-based theories and frameworks to inform emerging leadership practice in nursing and interprofessional collaborations. 
    Relates to: Digital Health Evidence Report
  3. Communicate complex evidence-based knowledge through education, professional communication, and a range of digital technologies.
    Relates to: Real -World Case Analysis , Digital Health Evidence Report
  4. Reflect on ethical, sustainable and culturally safe practices that embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and diverse perspectives to improve person-centred care. 
    Relates to: Digital Health Evidence Report

NS60 Graduate Diploma in Nursing

  1. Apply advanced health care knowledge and skills including digital literacy in a specialist nursing area.
    Relates to: Real -World Case Analysis , Digital Health Evidence Report
  2. Critically analyse evidence and apply theories and frameworks to inform decision-making in advanced nursing practice.
    Relates to: Real -World Case Analysis , Digital Health Evidence Report
  3. Communicate complex evidence-based knowledge through education, professional communication and a range of digital technologies.
    Relates to: Real -World Case Analysis , Digital Health Evidence Report
  4. Reflect on ethical, sustainable and culturally safe practices that embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and diverse perspectives to improve person-centred care.
    Relates to: Digital Health Evidence Report

NS95 Master of Nursing

  1. Critically analyse evidence to inform decision-making in advanced nursing and interprofessional care contexts. 
    Relates to: Real -World Case Analysis , Digital Health Evidence Report
  2. Design and develop ethically appropriate research and/or professional plans that respond to a gap in health care that informs best practice. 
    Relates to: Digital Health Evidence Report
  3. Communicate complex evidence-based findings through professional dissemination using a range of digital technologies. 
    Relates to: Real -World Case Analysis , Digital Health Evidence Report
  4. Initiate, lead and reflect on collaborative practice that advocates for ethically and culturally safe care enabling sustainable health service delivery that embeds a range of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and diverse perspectives.
    Relates to: Digital Health Evidence Report

PU70 Graduate Certificate in Digital Health Leadership and Management

  1. Apply a holistic understanding of how digital data, information and knowledge are managed for clinical care, research and health policy and planning. [KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND PRACTICE]
    Relates to: ULO1, ULO3, ULO4
  2. Take leadership in identifying the challenges, opportunities and potential of disruptive technologies, and evaluate their impact on models of healthcare delivery. [SKILLS, PRACTICE AND KNOWLEDGE]
    Relates to: ULO1, ULO2, ULO3, ULO4, ULO5
  3. Critically analyse socio-technical, ethical and political issues associated with the implementation and use of digital information systems in healthcare. [VALUES, DISPOSITIONS]
    Relates to: ULO2, ULO3, ULO5
  4. Lead the management of technologies in multi-disciplinary teams across diverse stakeholders at all stages of the health information system life cycle. [SKILLS AND PRACTICE]
    Relates to: ULO4, ULO5

PU77 Graduate Diploma in Health Management and Leadership

  1. Design innovative and strategic responses to health leadership and management challenges to improve consumer, community, organisational and system level outcomes.
    Relates to: Real -World Case Analysis , Digital Health Evidence Report
  2. Critically analyse research to inform ethical, evidence-based health management and policy decisions.
    Relates to: Real -World Case Analysis , Digital Health Evidence Report
  3. Formulate strategies for culturally safe and inclusive approaches that optimise health system design and service delivery.
    Relates to: Digital Health Evidence Report
  4. Plan ways to communicate, collaborate and negotiate with stakeholders from diverse backgrounds to co-design equitable outcomes and sustainable performance in healthcare.
    Relates to: Digital Health Evidence Report
  5. Critically analyse the benefits and risks of contemporary and emerging health technologies.
    Relates to: Real -World Case Analysis , Digital Health Evidence Report

PU87 Master of Health Management and Leadership

  1. Design innovative and strategic responses to health leadership and management challenges to improve consumer, community, organisational and system level outcomes.
    Relates to: Real -World Case Analysis , Digital Health Evidence Report
  2. Critique and engage in research to inform ethical, evidence-based health management and policy decisions.
    Relates to: Real -World Case Analysis , Digital Health Evidence Report
  3. Formulate strategies for culturally safe and inclusive approaches to optimise health system design and service delivery.
    Relates to: Digital Health Evidence Report
  4. Communicate, collaborate and negotiate with stakeholders from diverse backgrounds to co-design equitable and sustainable healthcare.
    Relates to: Digital Health Evidence Report
  5. Critically analyse and manage the implementation, benefits and risks of contemporary and emerging health technologies.
    Relates to: Real -World Case Analysis , Digital Health Evidence Report