CSN023 Cardiac Ultrasound 3

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Unit Outline: Semester 1 2024, Online

Unit code:CSN023
Credit points:12
Pre-requisite:CSN022 and CSN031
Coordinator:Ruth Ramm | r.ramm@qut.edu.au
Disclaimer - Offer of some units is subject to viability, and information in these Unit Outlines is subject to change prior to commencement of the teaching period.


This unit extends and builds on the content of CSN021 Cardiac Ultrasound 1 and CSN022 Cardiac Ultrasound 2 by introducing concepts and techniques for the assessment of a variety of cardiac valvular diseases. The qualitative and quantitative assessment of native valvular disease and prosthetic valves is explored, including limitations of each assessment method and their application in clinical practice. 

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit you will be able to:

  1. Apply specialised knowledge and advanced understandings of the echocardiographic techniques used in the assessment of adult valvular heart disease and prosthetic heart valve function and apply these techniques to the real world environment.
  2. Interpret and critically analyse advanced Doppler haemodynamic calculations and determine the appropriate use of these calculations for a given clinical scenario.
  3. Effectively apply the specialised skills required to perform comprehensive and diagnostically accurate echocardiographic examinations.
  4. Demonstrate an advanced level of written communication skills to convey the results of a wide range of echocardiographic examinations.


The unit covers the following topic areas:

  • Advanced Doppler haemodynamic calculations including:
    • valve area calculations
    • quantitative valve regurgitation calculations
    • limitations of these calculations, including how these limitations may be recognised, avoided and/or overcome
  • Echocardiographic assessment of:
    • Native valvular disease including rheumatic heart disease and its impact on Indigenous communities
    • Prosthetic valve replacements, including percutaneous techniques
    • Complications associated with prosthetic valves
    • Valve repairs
    • Infective endocarditis
  • Clinical practice including:
    • Standard two-dimensional views obtained at the parasternal, apical, subcostal and suprasternal positions
    • Standard spectral and colour Doppler examination, including standard and advanced measurements and calculations related to valvular heart disease
    • Assessment of diastolic function in the setting of valvular heart disease
    • Echocardiographic techniques and calculations for the assessment of common cardiac pathologies

Learning Approaches

The unit delivery is primarily in the form of online lectures which are available from the start of semester allowing some flexibility in your approach to the content. You will research a specific valvular disease that you have imaged in the workplace and compose a case report, with the opportunity for submission to an ultrasound journal for publication.

Computer-based materials are available for self-paced review and further studies. You will also engage throughout the semester with online tutorial quizzes which provide instant feedback on your understanding of the content material. There is also an online measurements tutorial website which allows you to practice your measurement techniques on real-life images in a simulated environment and receive instant feedback by viewing the expert-level measurement for that image. In addition, clinical experience in the workplace with the support of your clinical supervisor forms an important part of the learning process. 

Clinical supervisors are Accredited Cardiac Sonographers or Echocardiologists as approved by QUT. Clinical supervisors are responsible, in consultation with the student, for ensuring an adequate range and volume of clinical experience is obtained. Supervisors, in consultation with QUT academic staff and the student, are required to monitor and evaluate your clinical progress.

You will engage with the teaching team and other students through the use of the online discussion forum for this unit.

Feedback on Learning and Assessment

You will gain feedback in this unit through participation in online discussion board forums and during online interactive sessions with course staff and peers. 

You will engage throughout the semester with weekly, online tutorial quizzes which provide instant feedback on your understanding of the content material. There is also an online measurements tutorial website which allows you to practice and improve your measurement techniques on real-life images in a simulated environment. Instant feedback is provided by reviewing the expert-level measurement for each image.

Individual feedback relating to the submitted case reports will be provided via the Canvas site for this unit.

Results for all assessments will be displayed under 'My Grades' on the Canvas site for this unit.



In this unit, you will submit a case report on a specific cardiac pathology you have imaged in the workplace and undertake a written, theoretical examination. An example case report and previous theory exam paper and answer outline will be available on the Canvas site for this unit.  

Both assessment items contribute to your grade.  Threshold assessment conditions apply to assessment number 2 - written examination.  If you do not achieve the pass level for this assessment item (50%), you are able to make one resubmission of a similar assessment item for the minimum pass level, only when the achieved mark/grade is within 10% (or 1 grade) of the pass level for the assessment item.  

Unit Grading Scheme

7- point scale

Assessment Tasks

Assessment: Case report

You will be required to submit a case report on a study you have performed on a particular cardiac pathology within your clinical practice. The case report will review relevant evidence-based literature and will include your imaging to effectively demonstrate the chosen pathology.

The case report format will reflect the publication requirements of a relevant ultrasound journal and provide the opportunity for submission on completion of the assessment.

This is an assignment for the purposes of an extension.

Weight: 40
Length: 1500 words
Individual/Group: Individual
Due (indicative): Weeks 7-9
Related Unit learning outcomes: 3, 4

Assessment: Examination

An end of semester, invigilated examination will occur during the central examination block. The examination will include a combination of multiple choice, short answer and calculation-based questions.

Threshold Assessment:

If you do not achieve the pass level (50%) for this assessment task you are able to make one resubmission of this work for the minimum pass level, only when the achieved mark/grade is within 10% (or 1 grade) of the pass level for the assessment item. You are advised to seek feedback on your submission from the unit coordinator prior to resubmission.

Weight: 60
Length: 2 hours 30 minutes
Individual/Group: Individual
Due (indicative): Central exam period
Related Unit learning outcomes: 1, 2

Academic Integrity

Students are expected to engage in learning and assessment at QUT with honesty, transparency and fairness. Maintaining academic integrity means upholding these principles and demonstrating valuable professional capabilities based on ethical foundations.

Failure to maintain academic integrity can take many forms. It includes cheating in examinations, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, collusion, and submitting an assessment item completed by another person (e.g. contract cheating). It can also include providing your assessment to another entity, such as to a person or website.

You are encouraged to make use of QUT’s learning support services, resources and tools to assure the academic integrity of your assessment. This includes the use of text matching software that may be available to assist with self-assessing your academic integrity as part of the assessment submission process.

Further details of QUT’s approach to academic integrity are outlined in the Academic integrity policy and the Student Code of Conduct. Breaching QUT’s Academic integrity policy is regarded as student misconduct and can lead to the imposition of penalties ranging from a grade reduction to exclusion from QUT.


Recommended text:

Anderson, B (2014). A Sonographer's Guide to the Assessment of Heart Disease. Echotext Pty Ltd (This text is strongly recommended for all students)

Other References and Recommended Reading:

Anderson B, Park M (2020).  Basic to Advanced Clinical Echocardiography:  A Self Assessment Tool for the Cardiac Sonographer.  Wolters Kluwer.

American Society of Echocardiography Guidelines and standards: www.asecho.org

Recent and current journals related to cardiology and echocardiography.

On-line lecture material and interactive self-assessment exercises on the Canvas site

Discussion Board on the Canvas site

Risk Assessment Statement

There are no out of the ordinary risks associated with this unit.