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miss Melina Forgione

Transport Services Coordinator

Integrated Transport Services

mrs Deb Behrens

Senior Transport Services Coordinator

Integrated Transport Services

mr Wayne Bryant

Manager Integrated Transport Services

Integrated Transport Services

mr Vinh Pham

Transport Systems Coordinator

Integrated Transport Services

Related Units

GSZ491 - Economics in Business

Flexible Period - 08A 2024 GP

GSZ404 - Accounting for Decision Making

Flexible Period - 08A 2024 GP

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Related key dates

Enrolments - Withdrawing from units

College 5 Week TP - 5, 05 Jul  2024
The last date you can withdraw units without incur...  More

Exams - Final grades release

Semester 1, 05 Jul  2024
Release of Semester 1 final grades.

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