Graduate Certificate in Applied Law (LW76)

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Planning your enrolment

This information will assist to plan your studies and complete your enrolment in HiQ. Read the information under the Course Structure tab for a recommended study program and unit details.

If you need further enrolment advice use the contact details listed. For more information about enrolling visit the enrolment section.

Course Details

Course duration (full-time): 6 months
Course duration (part-time): 1 years
Total credit points:48
Delivery:Gardens Point, Online
CRICOS code:077108G
Faculty:Faculty of Business and Law



The Graduate Certificate in Applied Law is designed for students who are not legal practicioners but who would find the application of legal skills and knowledge useful in their current careers in order to manage contractual, transactional and regulatory processes and/or to develop and implement public policy.

This course provides an understanding of legal principles relevant to industry and professions other than law. Students will develop the ability to undertake law-related projects in their own professional or occupational situations that require understanding of legal principles and policy. Students can also develop expertise in areas of law of special relevance to their profession or occupation through the selection of electives.

Advanced standing (credit)

QUT's advanced standing arrangements apply. More information is available from the Credit for prior learning website.

Study costs

Domestic students may need to pay the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF).

Course Structures

The Graduate Certificate in Applied Law is made up of 4 units (48 credit points) consisting of 1 core unit LWN305 Australian Applied Law and 3 elective units.

Unit Information: Law elective units are available internally face-to-face and/or externally online. Please check individual unit outlines to determine which units are available in external mode. Some law elective units are offered in alternate years.

Unit Lists

Unit information:

Some law elective units are offered in alternate years and/or subject to sufficient student enrolments.

Law elective units are offered in internal, external or block mode of study.

Please check unit outlines to determine which mode of study is available.

CodeTitleOffered InRequisites
LWN305Australian Applied Law
Last offered in 2021
LWN301Principles of Australian Contract Law
Last offered in 2022
CodeTitleOffered InRequisites
Select 2 units from the Generic Law Options List
LWN050Competition Law
Last offered in 2020
LWN051Australian Consumer Law
Last offered in 2020
LWN065Construction and Engineering Law
Last offered in 2022
LWN075International Commercial Transactions
Last offered in 2021
LWN094Mining and Energy Law
Last offered in 2021
LWN099Intellectual Property Law
Last offered in 2019
LWN119Employment Law
Last offered in 2018
LWN194Select Issues in Medical Law and Ethics
Last offered in 2020
LWN204Family Dispute Resolution
Last offered in 2019
LWN206. LWN 206 can be studied in the same teaching period as LWN204.
Last offered in 2021
LWN209Case Management
Last offered in 2019
LWN204 and LWN206
LWN210Family Mediation Practice
Last offered in 2019
LWN204 and LWN206

Unit information:

Some law elective units are offered in alternate years and/or subject to sufficient student enrolments.

Law elective units are offered in internal, external or block mode of study.

Please check unit outlines to determine which mode of study is available.

CodeTitleOffered InRequisites
LWN305Australian Applied Law
Last offered in 2021
LWN301Principles of Australian Contract Law
Last offered in 2022
PMQ501, PMN610
Project Management Essentials 1
Last offered in 2021
PMN610, PMQ610
CodeTitleOffered InRequisites
Select one unit from the Project Management Options List
LWN065Construction and Engineering Law
Last offered in 2022
LWN075International Commercial Transactions
Last offered in 2021
LWN094Mining and Energy Law
Last offered in 2021
LWN099Intellectual Property Law
Last offered in 2019
Last offered in 2021
Project Management Essentials 2
Last offered in 2021

PMN501 is assumed knowledge
Strategy and Projects
Gardens Point
Semester 1

PMN501, PMN502, PMN503 and PMN504 are assumed knowledge
Strategic Project Procurement
Gardens Point
Semester 2

PMN501, PMN502, PMN503 and PMN504 are assumed knowledge

Unit information:

Some law elective units are offered in alternate years and/or subject to sufficient student enrolments.

Law elective units are offered in internal, external or block mode of study.

Please check unit outlines to determine which mode of study is available.

CodeTitleOffered InRequisites
LWN305Australian Applied Law
Last offered in 2021
LWN301Principles of Australian Contract Law
Last offered in 2022
CodeTitleOffered InRequisites
Select 2 units from the Commercial Law Options List
LWN050Competition Law
Last offered in 2020
LWN051Australian Consumer Law
Last offered in 2020
LWN065Construction and Engineering Law
Last offered in 2022
LWN075International Commercial Transactions
Last offered in 2021
LWN094Mining and Energy Law
Last offered in 2021
LWN099Intellectual Property Law
Last offered in 2019
LWN119Employment Law
Last offered in 2018
LWN188Taxation Law
Last offered in 2022
Last offered in 2021

Unit information:

Some law elective units are offered in alternate years and/or subject to sufficient student enrolments.

Law elective units are offered in internal, external or block mode of study.

Please check unit outlines to determine which mode of study is available.


CodeTitleOffered InRequisites
LWN305Australian Applied Law
Last offered in 2021
Health Care Law and Ethics
Gardens Point
Semester 2
CodeTitleOffered InRequisites
Select 2 units from the Health Law Major Options List
LWN194Select Issues in Medical Law and Ethics
Last offered in 2020
PUN016Risk Assessment
Semester 1
Kelvin Grove
Semester 1
PUN008 and PUN467
Contemporary Health Management
Last offered in 2023
PUN212Health Information Management Perspectives
Last offered in 2022
PUN213Quality Management in Health
Kelvin Grove
Semester 2
PUN214Systems of Quality and Safety in Health
Last offered in 2023
PUN213. PUN213 may be enrolled in the same teaching period as PUN214
Leadership of Quality and Safety in Health
Semester 1
Kelvin Grove
Semester 1
PUQ632, PUZ632
Leadership in Healthcare
Kelvin Grove
Semester 2

PUN106 or equivalent is assumed knowledge.
Health System Challenges and Opportunities
Kelvin Grove
Semester 1
PUN688Health Policy in a Global Context
Semester 2
Kelvin Grove
Semester 2
Last modified: 15 August 2024 17:04PM