Bachelor of Communication/Bachelor of Nutrition Science (ID06)

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Planning your enrolment

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Course Details

Course duration (full-time): 4 years
Total credit points:384
Standard credit points/full-time semester:48
Course coordinator:Program Director, School of Communication; phone +61 7 3138 2000; email: School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences (Health); phone 07 3138 4831; email:
Discipline coordinator:AskQUT
Course contact:+61 7 3138 2000,
Delivery:Kelvin Grove
CRICOS code:096580C
Faculty:Faculty of Creative Industries, Education and Social Justice


Study costs

Domestic students may need to pay the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF).

Study overseas

Study overseas while gaining credit towards your QUT creative industries degree with one of our worldwide exchange partners. Overseas study can be for one or two semesters (or during the semester break) and the units you take can be in a creative or non-creative discipline area, depending on how they match with your QUT course. Saving your electives for exchange will allow you the most flexibility. For more information, visit student exchange.

Early exit

With appropriate unit selection, students may be able to exit early with either component single degree.

Pathways to further study

On successful completion of this course, you will be eligible to apply for entry into the Master of Teaching (Secondary) or Master of Philosophy, provided you meet the entry requirements.

QUT’s Master of Public Health (MPH) offers graduates from the Bachelor of Nutrition Science the opportunity to undertake a research project or dissertation in Public Health Nutrition, complemented by a study area such as Health Promotion or Epidemiology and Research Methods. Members of the Nutrition and Dietetics discipline will be available to supervise these MPH students.

Professional recognition

Nutrition Science component: Graduates are eligible for membership of the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) and the Nutrition Society.


You may be required to complete QUT You units in your course – find out more about QUT You.

In order to complete this course, you must complete a total of 384 credit points comprising 192 credit points from the Bachelor of Communication (Professional Communication) and 192 credit points from the Bachelor of Nutrition Science. You will undertake the two components of the double degree concurrently.

Communication Component

You will complete four core units (48 credit points) and a communication major (144 credit points) in professional communication.

Nutrition Science Component

You will complete 192 credit points of specified nutrition science units.

Study Plan Progressions

Last modified: 20 September 2024 05:03AM