Graduate Certificate in Communication for Health (HL31)

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Planning your enrolment

This information will assist to plan your studies and complete your enrolment in HiQ. Read the information under the Course Structure tab for a recommended study program and unit details.

If you need further enrolment advice use the contact details listed. For more information about enrolling visit the enrolment section.

Course Details

Course duration (full-time): International: 6 months
Total credit points:48
Course coordinator:Enquiries to
Discipline coordinator:AskQUT
Course contact:+61 7 3138 2000,
Delivery:Kelvin Grove
CRICOS code:096266B
Faculty:Faculty of Health


Course Structure

CodeTitleOffered InRequisites
QCD111Communication 1
Kelvin Grove
College 1, College 2
QCD211Communication 2
Kelvin Grove
College 1, College 2
QCD111. QCD111 can be studied in the same teaching period as QCD211
Kelvin Grove
Semester 1, Semester 2
Semester 1, Semester 2
PUN105Health Statistics
Semester 2
Kelvin Grove
Semester 2
Last modified: 15 August 2024 17:04PM